Hello. I'm Robin. I'm a recent New York transplant, fresh from Chicago. The picture on your left was taken of me in Chicago by my good friend Nk. Chicago Robin!
My second day in New York went like this:
My dude and I were walking around Bushwick and were caught completely off-guard by a really unbelievably incredible tornado. It went all pitch black, the sky opened up...hail, rain, fire, brimstone, etc...and we're running for our dear sweet lives among the warehouses, our sunglasses falling off our heads, branches and debris flying everywhere, desperate to do us in. We get to an open door and I breathlessly scream to a man inside, "Please! Please let us in!" And the man runs to the door...and slams it in my face.
I thought that was really cool. I'm glad to be here. Because, even though people here might step on your toes and slam doors in your faces, there's a tremendous care and concern that I haven't found anywhere else. I know that doesn't make any sense. But it does.
I was an actor for years and years. I studied theatre at Washington University in St. Louis and had a most wonderful run with the excellent Theatre Seven of Chicago. Sometime in between shows, I decided to attend culinary school. Kendall College was my choice, and I learned how to be a "personal chef/caterer." Or something of the sort. I'm currently trying to do some sort of food writing while balancing three other jobs.
I have a beautiful family. We've been through a hell of a lot, and I love them fiercely.
How do you afford all of this good food? I know what you earn, I know what New York costs, and honey, I know you're not eating ramen....
Well, actually, I do eat my fair share of ramen. But the simple answer is this: I live with four other people in a three bedroom apartment with one bathroom in a slightly out-of-the-way section of Brooklyn. I pay for rent, contact lens solution, shampoo, deodorant and a couple of medications. And food. That's it. I cut my own hair, I don't buy clothes, I live pretty simply so that I can eat what I want to. Because good food makes me feel rich, even if I have holes in all of my shirts. It's true!
You went to culinary school. Don't you want to work in a restaurant?
I wish I could. But I don't think that I can. I don't have the stomach or stamina for it. It's a good thing to know, like knowing that you can't handle a career in acting (no, I don't feel like a failure. Anymore.). Maybe someday I'll work up the courage, but for now, I'm very happy to cook for my family and friends.
Ok, acting to food...why the transition? Does it make sense?
I think it does. You spend a tremendous amount of energy on this process, and the finished product is (a) devoured in less than an hour, or (b) done and through in a month and a half. And you have to be ok with that, because the getting there is thrilling. I'm not being overly sentimental when I say that I put my whole self into every dish (and every show). There's a bit of heartbreak when it's done, but again, that's where the magic lies.
Robin! You're so thin! How do you eat like you do and keep your figure?!
Now this question, friends, is one I've never heard. Never, ever. Not ever.
What else do you like to do?
I really like to read. I enjoy much music. I see plays when I have the money and time. I'm learning Spanish (finally, more for my grandparents but very much for myself). Travel is in my bones, and especially recently, but always and forever. I don't think I'll ever settle in a place and that suits me just fine.
You cook. Do you bake?
Uh, no. I got straight A's in culinary school. Until Baking and Pastry. In Baking and Pastry, I got a C-. No, I do not bake.
How do I get in touch with you?
You can email me at robbykac@gmail.com. Please don't be terrible.